

Introduction – Bloggitty Blahg Blawg

I would like to start with an introductory blurb on what I’m trying to do in these postings.  My intent is to provide brief discussions on interesting landscape design topics and things I often get asked in my work.  The world of landscape architecture is bigger than most people realize, and overlaps with many other fields.  My constant thirst for knowledge leads me into all kinds of subjects and I hope to share the more interesting bits here.  Even in the age of the internet, I find that basic explanations and information can be hard to come by, so hopefully I am able to make a positive contribution!

In my blogging, I am intentionally keeping it brief and talking at a general level, without getting too detailed; I am not attempting to write authoritative scholarly articles.  I try to present ideas and information to the best of my knowledge, but I am only speaking from my experience.  Landscape design and gardening are very place-specific, and applying general ideas to a particular site always requires analysis and adaptation.  Therefore I make no guarantees that what is written here is indisputable and nothing within this blog should be taken as authoritative professional advice.  If you wish to have my advice as a professional landscape architect that is specific to your landscape, my business Rhyne Designs Landscape Inc. is more than happy to provide that service to you.

To start with, I have settled on 4 basic categories to fit my writing into: Planting, Experiments, Landscape Sustainability, and Design. As with all categories, I believe that everything I write about won’t perfectly fit into one or the other, but hopefully it will help organize things a bit.  Planting is, of course, at the core of landscape architecture and one of the more exciting aspects with plenty to talk about.  Experiments will be used to talk about my pseudo-scientific personal observations of how gardens work.  Landscape Sustainability topics will delve into definitions, philosophy and actual techniques to accomplish a “greener” landscape.  Lastly, Design will be a broader group of discussions on design ideas, techniques, inspirations and could almost be called the catch-all, miscellaneous section.So, here we go off into the blog-o-sphere… enjoy!


1. What Defines a Native Plant?